We are passionate and proud Black Americans with a call to action to stop the dehumanization of The Black American ethnic group. We are organized advocates taking a stand to protect our human rights to self determination as a people.
The purpose of ethnocide is to declare an ethnic group as EXTINCT. We're leading the emergency national call to action. Armed with knowledge and empowered by truth. We Educate. We Advocate. We Bring Awareness. We will STOP BLACK AMERICAN ETHNOCIDE NOW.
Ethnocide is a human rights violation. The intentional killing off/destruction of a people is an act of warfare. We are here to STOP BLACK AMERICAN ETHNOCIDE NOW with an objective to urgently inform all 44 million plus of our ethnic group with the WE CHARGE BLACK AMERICAN ETHNOCIDE campaign.
Feel free to contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
STOP ETHNOCIDE ORG. is in the process of becoming a 501 (c) organization.
In early February 2024 the STOP BLACK AMERICAN ETHNOCIDE awareness campaign soft-launched.
Ethnocide is a combination of the Greek word ethnos meaning 'nation, people' and the Latin word 'cide' which means 'to kill'.
The purpose of ethnocide is to declare an ethnic group as EXTINCT.
Forcing names on our ethnic group
Removing names from our ethnic group
Redefining our ethnic names
Renaming our holidays
Changing the purpose and meaning of our holidays
Changing the symbols and flags of our ethnic group
Redefining our dialect/vernacular and culture
Attaching other ethnic groups on to our identity
Forcing an ideology /religion on our ethnic group, i.e., Pan-Africanism
Dehumanizing our ethnic group and demanding a conversion to another culture and identity, i.e., Pan-Africanism
Rewriting our history
Imposing a pan-ethnicity
Denying our genealogy and ethnogenesis
Redefining the purpose and mission of our institutions
People impersonating as our ethnic group
Obstructing our ethnic group from focusing on the needs of our ethnic group
People that are not of our ethnic group making political, social, economic, and cultural decisions for our ethnic group.......and much much more!